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The blue people from the BuildingCloud standing together in front of a building. We build together.

Features and tools

Inside your building.

The buildings are, of course, the center of each project. Let’s start with the dashboard.

The dashboard of your digital twin.

Verify storey settings

Verify storey settings

Adjust storey settings

Adjust storey settings

Adjust storey settings

Add a floor in the storey settings

Connect and visualize. The BIM model as the core of your digital twin.

Start to connect and visualize in the model. Controls, SmartHelmets, models, shortcuts, view options, creating floorplans, sections and elevations, go to 3d view, sharing views and creating issues and questions.

1. Open the BIM models from all the disciplines. Start with reviewing whether the IFC model’s floorplans follows the project’s requirements
2. The SmartHelmets connect the workers on the building site to the digital twin.
3. Different panels to connect and visualize your digital twin.
4. Shortcuts for controlling the viewer
5. Selecting objects
6. Keyboard shortcuts for BIM objects in the 3d view
7. View options for the BIM model in the 3d viewer
8. Create a floor plan from the BIM model
9. Rotate floor plan model in orbit
10. Create a section view of BIM model
11. Navigate the section view
12. Create and navigate an elevation view
13. Go directly to a 3D view from the floorplan by clicking the 3D camera
14. Share a view with others in the project
15. Create an issue connected to an object of the BIM model or just showing the view your in
16. Create an question connected to an object of the BIM model or just showing the view your in

Open the BIM models from all the disciplines. Start with reviewing whether the IFC model’s floorplans follows the project’s requirements
The SmartHelmets connect the workers on the building site to the digital twin.
Different panels to connect and visualize your digital twin.
Shortcuts for controlling the viewer
Selecting objects
Keyboard shortcuts for BIM objects in the 3d view
View options for the BIM model in the 3d viewer
Create a floor plan from the BIM model
Rotate floor plan model in orbit
Create a section view of BIM model
Navigate the section view
Create and navigate an elevation view
Go directly to a 3D view from the floorplan by clicking the 3D camera
Share a view with others in the project
Create an issue connected to an object of the BIM model or just showing the view your in
Create an question connected to an object of the BIM model or just showing the view your in

Sketch on the BIM model, walk mode, measuring, outlines, storeys, grids and settings.

1. Sketch on the BIM model
2. Manage the model sketch
3. Navigate the model - walk and explore
4. Navigate the model - fly around
5. Measure the BIM model
6. Show the measurement of spaces, from one side of the room to the opposite surface
7. Different styles and settings to display the model
8. More settings to set the model display mode
9. Use the floorplan to easily see inside the building
10. Use textures in meters and yards to easily see the size of a building component
11. Viewer settings

Sketch on the BIM model
Manage the model sketch
Navigate the model - walk and explore
Navigate the model - fly around
Measure the BIM model
Show the measurement of spaces, from one side of the room to the opposite surface
Different styles and settings to display the model
More settings to set the model display mode
Use the floorplan to easily see inside the building
Use textures in meters and yards to easily see the size of a building component
Viewer settings


The spatial object of the room inside the BIM model connected to the people on site and the demands set by the owner and user of the building.

Adding rooms manually and directly from the model. Managing rooms and creating issues connected to them. Creating rooms by import from the BIM model. Link rooms to people, drawings and other building elements. IFC property sets, occupants and beacons.

1. Adding rooms manually and directly from the model.
2. Managing rooms and creating issues connected to them
3. Creating rooms by import from the BIM model
4. Link rooms to people, drawings and other building elements.
5. IFC property sets, occupants and beacons.

Adding rooms manually and directly from the model.
Managing rooms and creating issues connected to them
Creating rooms by import from the BIM model
Link rooms to people, drawings and other building elements.
IFC property sets, occupants and beacons.

The floorplan.

The floorplan is extracted directly from the spaces inside the BIM model. Every room rendered in the detail page and the floorplan are always up to date by using the newest uploaded model.A drawing of your choice can be used as a background to the floorplan to raise the detail information.

Managing the floorplan. Choose the correct floor and show where you are on the building site with the help of the SmartHelmets.

1. Managing the floorplan.
2. Choose the correct floor and show where you are on the building site with the help of the SmartHelmets

Managing the floorplan.
Choose the correct floor and show where you are on the building site with the help of the SmartHelmets

Documents, drawings, models and packages.

Easily upload and download, print and check, create issues and ask questions.

1. Document Management.
2. To upload a document first go into a category.
3. Please note that not all file types are accepted.
4. Add information to make it easier to find it and link to it later.
5. This is only possible during upload. View and download a document.
6. Download documents as single files or zipped file. Access previous versions of documents.
7. Preview documents and drawings and download them.
8. Sketch on documents and drawings and link the sketch to an issue or question.
9. View and download drawings. Upload drawings.
10. Add information to make it easier to trace it and set filters.
11. This is only possible during upload.

Document Management
To upload a document first go into a category. Please note that not all file types are accepted.
Add information to make it easier to find it and link to it later. This is only possible during upload.
View and download a document
Download documents as single files or zipped file
Access previous versions of documents
Preview documents and drawings and download them
Sketch on documents and drawings and link the sketch to an issue or question
View and download drawings
Upload drawings
Add information to make it easier to trace it and set filters. This is only possible during upload.

1. Download drawings as single file or zipped.
2. Access previous versions of drawings.
3. Export a drawing register.
4. Always up to date.
5. Manage everyones models.
6. Upload models.
7. Add information to make it easier to trace it and set filters. This is only possible during upload.
8. Export a drawing register. Always up to date including every discipline.
9. Download models.
10. Access previous versions of models.
11. Manage your packaged files and other linked information.
12. Collect your files and linkes inside a package. All one spot and easy to share with others.
13. Download a package or link it to an issue or question.

Download drawings as single file or zipped.
Access previous versions of drawings
Export a drawing register. Always up to date.
Manage everyones models.
Upload models.
Add information to make it easier to trace it and set filters. This is only possible during upload.
Export a drawing register. Always up to date including every discipline.
Download models.
Access previous versions of models.
Manage your packaged files and other linked information.
Collect your files and linkes inside a package. All one spot and easy to share with others.
Download a package or link it to an issue or question.

Issues and tasks.

Organize issues and tasks. Within your company as well as the whole team. Issues can are visable to everyone in the project but the tasks and the logged hours only to your company or group.

1. Issues can be grouped to get an easy overview and plan your milestones.
2. Plan the projects work by moving created issues from upcoming to active.
3. Create a new issue.
4. Work with your tasks.
5. Issue detail page.
6. Logging your hours. Easy to see what took time and to export to Excel for invoicing. Hours are only visibly for everyone within your company or group.

Issues can be grouped to get an easy overview and plan your milestones.
Plan the projects work by moving created issues from upcoming to active.
Add information to make it easier to trace it and set filters. This is only possible during upload.
Work with your tasks.
Issue detail page.
Logging your hours. Easy to see what took time and to export to Excel for invoicing. Hours are only visibly for everyone within your company or group.

Questions, answers and decisions.

This is where you ask questions relevant to the project and let the entire team supply the answer.

1. Decision tool.
2. Ask questions and get answers from the entire team
3. Manage questions, answers and decisions
4. Questions and answers in a calendar view
5. Decisions made together; visible and traceable

Decision tool
Ask questions and get answers from the entire team
Manage questions, answers and decisions
Questions and answers in a calendar view
Decisions made together; visible and traceable


Without people there is no team. Without a team there is no building.

Project Members

Project Members


People are grouped and organized in companies. A way to structure and to help each other.

View all the companies inside the project.

View all the companies inside the project.


What we talk about helps us see what we work with. Communication open for everyone. Nobody excluded. Easy to trace afterwards. Get a feeling for whats going on in the project.

1. The building’s conversations, visible to all building members.
2. Attach images or links to your conversation.  

The building’s conversations, visible to all building members.
Attach images or links to your conversation.

The work container.

A place to drag whatever you want into. Drawings, contacts or issues. You name it.When needed you can easliy link everything inside or parts of the collection to issues, question or conversations. It always gives you easy access to the latest version of the linked document.

The work container.

Wow, you made it! We know it’s a lot of information, but don’t worry, just do it!